To encourage and advance the study and practice of the Science and art of Surgery.
To promote social and academic interaction among the Surgeons of India and Abroad.
To encourage scientific research and experimental work on Surgical problems.
To organize scientific programmes e.g., Conferences, Workshops etc., and to organize exhibitions of surgical and allied instruments and equipment and to encourage their improvement.
To provide for Continuing Medical Education (CME) programmes for post graduate students and medical practitioners.
To establish and maintain website, reference libraries of books, journals, Newsletters, audiovisual materials etc., relating to medical science with special attention to surgery.
To extend surgical help to any deprived community, participate in prevention and treatment of cancer, trauma etc., disaster management and other social welfare activities. To protect the interest of the members by helping them to deal with legal problems.
To publish books and journals devoted to surgery and allied subjects. The journals shall be the official organ of the Surgeons Association of Jammu.
To make rules, when deemed necessary, inter alia relating to discipline and professional conduct of surgeons.
To do all such other things as may be incidental to or conducive to the attainment of all or any of the above objects.